


  • pulpit

    pulpit: 説教壇 noun 1. a platform or raised structure in a church, from which the sermon is delivered or the service is conducted. 2. the pulpit. the cl... 続きをみる

  • to be mired in

    to be mired in (泥濘など)にはまりこむ、~から抜け出せないでいる In a country mired in reccession and fighting two wars, this was a day for celebration.:不況に陥った国で、2つの戦争を戦っている... 続きをみる

  • exude

    exude:~をにじみ出させる、~を発散する verb (used without object), exuded, exuding. 1. to come out gradually in drops, as sweat, through pores or small openings; ooz... 続きをみる

  • JetBlue Flight 387 from Fort Lauderdale, Cuba was completed Wednesday, the first commercial U.S. to Cuba flight

    JetBlue Flight 387 from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Santa Clara, Cuba was completed in 51 minutes Wednesday, the first commercial U.S. to Cuba flight... 続きをみる

  • What is a liberal?

     What is a liberal?:教養とは? 辞書で引くと―― きょうよう 【教養】 学問・知識を(一定の文化理想のもとに)しっかり身につけることによって養われる、心の豊かさ。 「―のある人」  濱田嘉昭放送大学名誉教授は教養について、「相手のことがわかること」という。難しいことをやさしく表... 続きをみる

  • gridlock

    gridlock:大混雑、身動きのできない状態 As someone who caught in that gridlock early this morning,I can tell you the people were nontheless exuding joy.(by CBS Nwes)... 続きをみる

  • baby peppers

    baby peppers:Rivina humilis Rivina humilis is a species of flowering plant in the family Petiveriaceae. It was formerly placed in the pokeweed family... 続きをみる

  • Eleven people were found dead and more were missing in northern Japan

     TOKYO—Eleven people were found dead and more were missing in northern Japan on Wednesday after Typhoon Lionrock battered the region with torrential ... 続きをみる

  • Strong typhoon Lionrock slams into Japan's northeast AFP•August 30, 2016

    Strong typhoon Lionrock slams into Japan's northeast AFP•August 30, 2016 make landfall  上陸する directly land  直接上陸する the Pacific side  太平洋側 current wea... 続きをみる