

China plans to launch its first Mars probe by 2020

BEIJING - China plans to launch its first Mars probe by 2020 to carry out orbiting and roving exploration, said a white paper released by the State Council Information Office on Tuesday.

"China intends to execute its first Mars exploration operation, and grasp key technologies for orbiting, landing and roving exploration," said the document titled "China's Space Activities in 2016."

It will conduct further studies and key technological research on the bringing back of samples from Mars, asteroid exploration, exploration of the Jupiter system and planet fly-by exploration, according to the white paper.

 米国、ロシア、中国が宇宙へロケットを次々と飛ばす。国威の宣揚なのか、科学の探求なのか? 軍事目的にならないことを祈る。