

Do not eat it when you drink it.

Ever wonder why a hard night out at the bar usually leads to a shamefully large order at McDonald’s the following day? New research suggests there may be a biological reason why binge drinking is so often followed by binge eating. Although the research hasn’t found a way to stop people from visiting a fast food joint, at least you know you’re not alone in your debauchery.

For the study, researchers looked at the brains of mice, some who were given alcohol and some who were not, to understand if there was a neurological explanation for increased appetite after drinking alcohol, Medical Xpress reported. They found that an area of the brain called the Agrp neurons, which is located in the hypothalamus, was activated in mice given alcohol, but not the controls. When the team purposely deactivated these neurons in mice given alcohol, they did not overeat. This suggested that alcohol-induced food binges may be caused by a constant activation of this part of the brain.
